#톨쟈비 영어를 보다가 어느 순간, 좀 더 다양하고 일상에서 많이 쓰는 글을 노출시켜야 한다는 생각이 들었다.(子豚2歳くらい)この時から考えが多くなったが、#イングリッシュにその授業も引っ張られたが、全集3~400百万ウォン台を購入しなければ授業申請ができないと言って、ダビンブックスに行ってイングリッシュにその本を読んだ。음..일단 책이 엄마 스타일이 아니다..그리고 한꺼번에 너무 많은 책을 사야 할 것도 부담이다.가격도 그 책을 둘 공간도.영어 유치원이나 학원에 가게 되면 그곳의 교재도 구입하게 될 것이다.중복하는 내용도 많았을텐데, 굳이 저 금액을 영어 노출을 목적으로 이 시기에 지출하는 것이 옳으냐고 생각했다.#아람 베이비 올 영어는 디자인이나 색감 등이 전체적으로 마음에 들었지만 50만원에 가까운 금액은 조금 아깝다고 느껴졌다.(사실은#아람이 자연과 전집을 사러 가서 영어도 눈에 들었지만 전집을 한번에 두개 사려면 부담이 높아진 것 같다)영어는 단계별로 배워야 할 내용이 점점 심각하게 되니까 상급 교재의 구매가 필수인데(=책을 계속 사야 하는데)굳이 지금부터 이 금액을 사용할지 이런 생각도.. 그래도 톨쟈비 영어보다 조금 더 문 밥이 많은 전집이 하나 필요하지만 오직 베이비 노를 살것인지 매일 책장을 보면서 고민했다.そんなある日、ダビンブックスでもらったサンプルブックの中で子豚がよく読んでくれと言って、好きな本を思い出した!
一緒に遊びましょう、アヒル ごめんなさい、一緒に遊びましょう、タヌキ申し訳ありませんが、私は一緒に遊びましょう、bear すみませんが、私はできませんここはどこですか?動物のトイレです。私たちは手遅れだと思います。トイレは動物でいっぱいです。私の家に行きませんか?! 때는 문장スー 그럴ルあ゙ムかりま 스토 싶어すᆻ는데 아이一 몇 이야기 너무 만들어?만으로 없는緒 처음에기 수준에서이니好゙ 수밖에かき 봤을인데 엉진て 기반의の하지に入る아무 What is the book?Is it a house? I’m a house!# It was fun처 As the first search of the first book +sa Temple was 7 million won for products ( cards, broccoli, and broccoli) is about 7.9 million won?I think it’s more than 50 million won, but it’s so cheapIt was a bit suspicious, and I saw a blog article that I bought a blog article that I bought it to 5 million won, and I bought a blog article about 5 million won!! If I think this is enough to see the samplebook and purchase of the sample book is as follows (not shown in all saleswhere)

After receiving the delivery and using it for a month, I am very satisfied. This is a basic English expression that is necessary for piglets whose mother tongue is developing remarkably just after the age of two. (Actually, the whole collection of baby English seems to be similar.) Above all, the price was as if I had just bought it ^^ The delivery was fast. I like piglets, too. They often ask people to bring books with food to eat and read them. After receiving the delivery and using it for a month, I am very satisfied. This is a basic English expression that is necessary for piglets whose mother tongue is developing remarkably just after the age of two. (Actually, the whole collection of baby English seems to be similar.) Above all, the price was as if I had just bought it ^^ The delivery was fast. I like piglets, too. They often ask people to bring books with food to eat and read them.
There is also a video on YouTube that can be saved (I don’t buy complete works that can’t be used). Video exposure can also be made. I watched YouTube videos all the time before I bought them. The contents of the book come out as it is, so if you are not sure whether to buy it or not, you can judge it by watching the video in advance. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8N6xzzth7c3AO6ol0NCvkNpLgMmTO3Nq ‘s Android phone seems to work with “JamTalk AI” to study additionally (I can’t use it because I’m an iPhone). Of course, there is a difference in quality, such as the thin thickness of the word card that has been used as a gift. However, once you put in the complete collection several times, you will notice it. Such word cards flood the house. What I bought separately + thank you gift every time I buy a complete set + gift at a place where I sell baby goods.. This means that when I buy a complete collection of tired (crying) books to sort them out because there are so many cards, I can concentrate on 30 books of main tickets. If the price difference is more than 400,000 won, all the more ^^ <Important Purchasing Link> If you search on Naver on Jamjam English, you will not find the bottom seller. Maybe it’s because there’s no review. Anyway, it was 59,000 won here, and I was a little worried because there was no review, but it was not a fraud, but the goods arrived properly. Any beanie will be prepared as a thank-you gift ^^ https://m.smartstore.naver.com/cheongdamspa/products/6180537238?NaPm=ct%3Dkzrsbrpn%7Cci%3Dcheckout%7Ctr%3Dppc%7Ctrx%3D%7Chk%3D9103b6ce9a9bb7668560aed5dfa4672cb7122929 <My Purchasing Review> book costs about 6-7 sentences. If you need this level of English book, think it’s worth 59,000 won and put it in!! There is also a video on YouTube that can be saved (I don’t buy complete works that can’t be used). Video exposure can also be made. I watched YouTube videos all the time before I bought them. The contents of the book come out as it is, so if you are not sure whether to buy it or not, you can judge it by watching the video in advance. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8N6xzzth7c3AO6ol0NCvkNpLgMmTO3Nq ‘s Android phone seems to work with “JamTalk AI” to study additionally (I can’t use it because I’m an iPhone). Of course, there is a difference in quality, such as the thin thickness of the word card that has been used as a gift. However, once you put in the complete collection several times, you will notice it. Such word cards flood the house. What I bought separately + thank you gift every time I buy a complete set + gift at a place where I sell baby goods.. This means that when I buy a complete collection of tired (crying) books to sort them out because there are so many cards, I can concentrate on 30 books of main tickets. If the price difference is more than 400,000 won, all the more ^^ <Important Purchasing Link> If you search on Naver on Jamjam English, you will not find the bottom seller. Maybe it’s because there’s no review. Anyway, it was 59,000 won here, and I was a little worried because there was no review, but it was not a fraud, but the goods arrived properly. Any beanie will be prepared as a thank-you gift ^^ https://m.smartstore.naver.com/cheongdamspa/products/6180537238?NaPm=ct%3Dkzrsbrpn%7Cci%3Dcheckout%7Ctr%3Dppc%7Ctrx%3D%7Chk%3D9103b6ce9a9bb7668560aed5dfa4672cb7122929 <My Purchasing Review> book costs about 6-7 sentences. If you need this level of English book, think it’s worth 59,000 won and put it in!!